Florida Asset Protection Law Firm was voted number one in helping distressed homeowners find proper legal council through their network of referred attorneys for homeowners who were facing fore-closure. It is important that the general public knows that they have rights concerning their mortgage and that there are options aside from facing fore-closure.
Parkland, FL, December 11, 2015 (Newswire.com) - The Florida Asset Protection Law Firm was voted number one, again, in helping distressed homeowners find the proper legal council from their referred attorneys in the Florida area.
Many homeowners need to know that they have rights concerning their mortgage and that the banks do not necessarily have the final say when it comes to mortgage terms. Joseph Starr, Managing Partner of Consumer Legal Resources which is the managing company of law firms, says that many homeowners are kept in the dark as to what their actual rights are when it comes to their mortgage.
You can do it
Napolean Hill, author
For one thing, forensic auditing of mortgage notes makes it entirely possible for homeowners to find out if charges that have been assigned to their mortgage are actually valid. In many cases, the homeowner may be entitled to a legal modification that could entail a potential removal of a portion of their principle balance. To get more information, please visit www.NewBeginningServices.us